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Hair Removal Clinic

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Escape the hassle of hair removal with GentleMax Pro Plus!

Long-lasting hair removal with minimal skin damage

You need to carefully consider laser hair removal

To enjoy the effects for a long time without irritation, at ‘Geudae Goun,’ we perform 1:1 customized treatment according to individual hair quality, considering the characteristics of hair that vary depending on the area.

We provide hair removal assistance using the FDA-approved GentleMax Pro Plus device, which can adjust laser wavelength, speed, beam size, etc.

The difference in laser is the difference in results

The upgraded GentleMax Pro Plus with enhanced power enables strong and precise hair removal with dual wavelengths of 755nm and 1064nm.
Hair removal is possible over a wider area, with a larger spot size, and at a faster speed than before, and you can see semi-permanent effects from fine hairs to thick hairs, as well as improved skin texture.

Differentiation points

✔ Customized treatment

We meticulously plan the number of treatments and intervals by analyzing the condition of each individual’s hair on a 1:1 basis.

✔ Effect

With GentleMax Pro Plus, you can experience hair reduction with just 1-2 treatments.

✔ Thorough aftercare

Although it is a procedure with minimal skin irritation, we minimize side effects such as folliculitis and burns through soothing care after the procedure.